
Frozen Cijeli Film Na Hrvatskom

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***READ FIRST*** The WORST singer and translation ever!
This is one of the worst Croatian dubbing for sure (maybe the worst one ever) Singer (Nataša Mirković) is awful, she's weird and too weak for this song, too bad :( Croatian lyrics for this song are so similar to original, simply, literal etc & I don't like it :( I also hate chorus - 'Puštam sve' - it's too literal & sounds awkward in Croatian and singer is terrible awful in those parts.
Croatian version of song 'Let It Go' from 'Frozen' - 'Puštam sve', singer - Nataša Mirković (ex Belošević; she was singer in Novi fosili band during 1995-2001)
These are people who were responsible for this bad version of song (and even they were paid for this 'horror'):
*Singer - Nataša Mirković (she really can't sing this, awful and wrong choice)
*Lyrics - Anja Maksić Japundžić (she is author of the worst lyrics ever in Croatian dubbings! I wonder who is the person who allowed her stupid and ridiculous translation, as if no one read it before)
*Music director - Nikša Bratoš (the most responsible person for music and singers. From beautiful songs he made pure disaster! Kudos!)
*Recording studio - Livada produkcija (studio supervisor: Denin Serdarević)
*Film distributor - 2i Film
btw I want to thank Disney Divas, coz this is their audio :)

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Why are you all hating on her?!?
Ja sam iz hrvatske i vrlo sam uvrijeđena oni m sto si napisao ili napisal u opisu videa i mislima da nemas pojma kako je tesko nauciti hrvatski i jako si glup ili glupa i mrzim te! Pokvario ili pokvarila si mi cijeli dan koji je trebao biti savrsen. Trebala sam snimati parodiju na Frozen sa svojom frendicom i kad cu to raditi sjetit cu se tebe! Mrzim te iz dna duse! Tako si nepristojan ili nepristojna! Zeljela bi upoznati tvoju mamu! Glupane(glupačo) jedan(jedna)!!!!!!
I svi koji su rekli da je srpska vezija bolja, ja se ne slazem s njima! Ovako ne zvuci pjesma u orginalu i nema te cudne zvukove! Ko god da je radio ovaj video je nesto dodao i to nije u redu! I molim vas prestanite vrijedati ovu pjesmu! Ako netko ima nesto protiv neka to zadrzi za sebe!!!!
No its not awful, just watch let it go from other countries
Hahahah... jos mi je u glavi 2018
That is damn bad quality.. :(
you guy are wrong,translation is GOOD and im coming from Croatia an dik Englsih very good,
U are not from Croatia ,i think ik from where ya are,but i won't say it, almost all versions were gerat, so idk why ya posted this if ya think it is shit :)
hope u understood me
Koji kreten je ovo prevodio s engleskog na hrvatski? Vidi se da nemaš blage veze ;)
Dub uopšte nije loš, ne serite.
Why these rude words ? It's a bit pathetic by your side :/ Meanwhile I love her so much <3 She has this smoky and husky voice that I can't resist !
slobodnousername You are an idiot!
super pjesma
al je moja ocjena 10
bolja je igrica minkraft
odli cno
Like first,go and check Jelena Rozga and then tell Croatia have bad songs,stupid guy!!
Hrvat s dobrim engleskim se slaže samnom da Let it Go na engleskom nevalja, pa vidi ti to
Well, first of all...I wonder if this guy who posted this video even knows Croatian, because this isn't not at all a bad translation of the song and it has a good meaning. 'Let it go', in Croatian 'pustam sve', has a great meaning. It's a great translation because Elsa is letting her powers to be free and has enough of being afraid to use her powers. So it does have a great meaning and it is a very good translation. Doesn't matter who sings the song, it is powerful and sounds great.
I think is an amazing version! You are so mean with your comments. And the lyrics are good.
bolje je na engleskom
pisma je onako
hey im from croatian its good
She hadn't sang in 15 ***** years. Give her a break. And if Nataša should ever have the misfortune to see these insults, please know we love you, Nataša.
<3 Nataša Mirkovič
tohle je jedna z nejlepších verzí -.- možná kdybys použila normální zvuk tak by si to viděla taky
While watching this, I thought somebody was spitting in the background for some of the sound effects .o.
Katastrofalno! Nista gore cula nisam!
I actually think the singer is doing a splendid job? Though I agree that the translation is pretty wonky.
casto su stavili svaki put kad napravi nesto da se cuje ono nervira me
1:11 'Nek se čuje i moj gjas'??
The translation is very good!
Nataša is an amazing singer! She's very unique and extraordinary! She sounds very elegant and young. Comparing with the Serbian version, she was way better than Jelena in the last part (when Elsa builds the castle).
She is one of my favorites, yet. I love her in LQ and HQ
A lot of people dislike the Brazilian Portuguese but this is definitely one of the worst Croatian version that I ever heard especially for Let It Go. Natasa Mirkovic is one of the worst singer to be chosen as Elsa's singing voice in this movie and her voice has nothing to do with the main character so to me she's at the last place! Even Elsa's speaking voice is so much better in the Croatian dub! =P
dobra fora, al neznas pjevat.
Je li moguće da onaj zadnji ton kad ide 'nek se bijeli SVEEE...' ustvari ne pjeva Nataša, već Vanda Winter? Već se odavno čudim kako je Nataša uspjela tako dobro potrefiti taj ton ako se u ostalim dijelima pjesme čuje da ne zna baš toliko dobro pjevati.
Danas sam slušao pjesmu u najboljoj kvaliteti i učinilo mi se da se glas kod te zadnje riječi stvarno mijenja, kao da je druga osoba pjeva. Čak mi se učinilo da prepoznajem Vandin glas. Sve što češće slušam taj dio sve više mi se čini da sam u pravu xD
obozavam ovu pjesmu
Ugly voice, text doesn't fit the music, and she's constantly singing behind the beat. All in all, fail.
it sounds like bulgarian dialect :D:D
' Lets make everything white! '
* fap fap fap fap *
And there it goes...
Zvuči kao da joj je mačka zapela u grlu na toj pjesmi...
I hate that weird and annoying squirting water sound when Elsa uses her snow power and Natasa Mirkovic is one of the worst choice to sing in Frozen including that her voice doesn't fit to Elsa for the singing part! =P Very annoying when she tries to sing and scream even if she's a singer! Also looking on the English translation in this video I have to agree that the song title 'Pustam sve' is a bad choice since it's litteraly translated by Let It Go in English and it doesn't fit with the scene. Sorry but I really dislike the Croatian version. x)

Kako Je Gru Postao Dobar Cijeli Film Na Hrvatskom

da, horror. hrvatski masakr :P
Kakav je ovo cudan zvuk koji se cuje kad Elsa koristi svoje moci?
croatia is best!!! <3
Nah i luv this Croatian let it go! Its best to me :D and shes not awful..Shes also not weak at all '-'...Shes singing just right..
Serbian version is definitly better :)

Strumfovi 2 Cijeli Film Na Hrvatskom Jeziku

Пожалуйста, дайте текст песни на Хорватском языке.
Please give the lyrics of the song in the Croatian language.

Frozen Cijeli Film Na Hrvatskom Online
