
Menurut Sugiyono

  1. Skala Likert Menurut Sugiyono
  2. Menurut Sugiyono 2013

When starting a business online, especially making money online, an Auto Responder is a must. I use Aweber. Auto Responders are programmes that collect your potential customer’s details such as name and email address among other things these assist you in marketing your business and contacting them.

Once it has stored these details you can arrange for adverts, newsletters, videos and any other information about your business to be sent out to a specified list at a specified time.

If potential customers have visited your website they are obviously interested in your business. Auto Responders allow you to stay in contact with these potential customers and build a rapport hopefully leading to selling them your products. If this process sounds complicated, it’s not; it’s very simple and very effective. It’s all about is building a customer base or list as its known.

Pengertian Variabel Penelitian Menurut Sugiyono. Variabel penelitian adalah segala sesuatu yang berbentuk apa saja yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti untuk dipelajari sehingga diperoleh informasi tentang hal tersebut, kemudian ditarik kesimpulan (Sugiyono, 2013: 38).

  1. Metode Bandung: Alfabeta. Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan. Statistik Untuk Penelitian, Bandung: Alfabeta.
  2. Menurut Sugiyono 2013:145 dalam buku “Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan Kombinasi” mengemukakan tentang observasi adalah: “Suatu proses yang kompleks, suatu proses yang tersusun dari berbagai proses biologis dan psikologis. Dua diantara yang terpenting adalah proses – proses pengamatan dan ingatan”. Wawancara interview.

Malayalam script writing. Not only can you send you customers information, you can also use the tool to ask them for testimonials which you can post on your website for new potential customers to read. Or they can request information from you. It’s all about creating traffic which creates sales. They also work 24/7.

How do Auto Responders collect this information?

When you use Auto responders, you will be able to set up what they call an “opt in page.” This is just a pop up box that will present the opportunity for your potential customers to fill in their name and email address. Most opt in pages are linked to a free gift that you are giving away. This could be anything form a video to an e-Book.

Once they have filled in the required information into Auto Responders they will store their details. It will then send a personalised instant confirmation link to their email which they have to click on. Don’t panic, your auto responder will design this link for you, but you can decide what wording it contains. You can also if you want to send them to a “thank you” page. This is a nice personal touch.

This happens for two reasons. Firstly it confirms that the details that have been filled in are the details of the person that would like to receive your business information. Secondly it will stop any information that you send ending up in the customers spam account. You do not want the information to be missed.

What should I look for when choosing Auto Responders?

Skala Likert Menurut Sugiyono

When starting a business it doesn’t have to be a costly exercise. The one thing I do advise you spending your money on is one of the Auto Responders available. The paid programmes have some unique features that you will require when many of the freebies do not. It is an important tool so invest wisely.

Another good thing to look for is something called a link tracker. This is a tool that allows you to see what is working for you and what isn’t. There is no point sending out information if it is having no effect on the customer list. It allows you to know what to change in your business, allowing you to progress well in the future.

If your business is affiliate marketing then the paid services almost always have an affiliate program. As you progress in building your list it will find people that need the Auto responder service. If they sign up using your affiliate link you usually get paid a commission of what they spend on their Auto Responders every month.

Make sure that built into the Auto Responders there is an option where your customers can opt out of receiving information. Obviously this is not what you want them to do but if they can’t it could cause upset for the customer and problems for your business. You do not need any legal headaches; it’s all about respecting your customer’s needs. A good reputation is key in any business.

Check how many customers you can have on your list. Some Auto Responders have limits and may charge more if you require bigger list options.


Check how many lists you are allowed. Again this will vary. You may require different lists for different products.

Customer support. This is a must. It is always nice to know if you are having problems you have someone that you can ask to help you resolve them.

How do I create effective Auto Responders?

Make sure the information you are sending out shouts out that you are the best in your business and your customers are receiving what they requested. Knowledge sells, and trust keeps your customers.

There may be a mixture of newcomers and potential customers that are already “in the know” requesting information so make sure the information you send out is easy to read captures the customer’s attention, understandable and easy to follow. It has to suit all abilities.

Make sure that the requested email that is sent out states clearly where it is coming from. In the past I have deleted emails simply because it has stated what the email contains. If this is happening, your customers will not receive what they requested and will maybe opt out. None of us need bad press, we may have businesses online, but people still discuss the good and bad in businesses.


How do I find the best Auto Responders?


Like anything these days, just go to your favourite search engine and type in auto responder services and it will bring up a list for you to look at. A few are as follows.

Thanks for reading