
Password Wordlist Download Txt

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Do you know what is password list?Why do we need password txt?How to download password dictionary?How to use password list txt to hack any password?why i am using rockyou.txt wordlist for hacking password?

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Rockyou Password List

A file which contain a list of password called a password list.we require password txt to hack the file protected with password.lot's of password list is available,which you need to download online.In kali linux operating system ,you may find the default password list called rockyou.txt.gz
you can find that file in quated directory of kali linux


In the below example i will use password list called rockyou.txt to hack password protected file using dictionary attack.

How to use password list rockyou.txt in kali linux 2.0?

So let's first make a copy of rockyou.txt.gz to root directory using below command:

Password wordlist download txt file

cp /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz .

Now to unzip rockyou.txt.gz using below command:

gunzip rockyou.txt.gz

you will get a new file rockyou.txt
To know how many passwords this file contains type:

wc -l rockyou.txt

Now to create the new dictionary from rockyou.txt having a minimum password length of 8 character

To do that type this command :

cat rockyou.txt sort uniq pw-inspector -m 8 > password-list.txt

How to generate your own wordlist?

Password Wordlist Download Txt
To generate the own wordlist we will use crunch.crunch is inbuilt tool available in kali linux to generate the wordlist as you required.

Let’s use the following command to have Crunch generate a wordlist containing all combinations of 4 letters:
crunch 4 4 abcd1234 -o password-list.txt


Password Lists Txt

Free Word List Download

First 4 means minimum length of password
second 4 means maximum length of password
abcd1234 combination of password
-o output file name