
Rpp K13 Smp

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MataPelajaran:Bahasa Inggris
AlokasiWaktu: 2 x 40 menit
Tema:Transactionaland interpersonal(agreement and disagreement)

1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional daninterpersonal sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
1.2Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sederhanatentang agreementdandisagreement.
Siswa mampu :
1.2.2Mengidentifikasi Informasi faktual.
IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Mengidentifikasi Informasi umum.
V. Materi Pembelajaran

Agreementadalah suatu pernyataan yang bersifat setuju / menyetujui.
Disagreementadalah suatu pernyataan yang bersifat tidak setuju / tidak menyetujui.
The expressions of asking agreement :
2.Do you agree if...... ?
Response for the asking agreement :
I disagree with you
I don’t agree with your opinion
I don’t think so
That’s not good idea
No way
Sorry, that’s not good idea

VI.MetodePembelajaran/Teknik: Three Phase Technique (Pre, Whilst, Post)
Rpp K13 Smp
2.Mengecekpresensi siswa
4.Memberitahutujuan pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti

1.Guru menampilkan slide yang berisi gambar kemudian meminta siswa menjawab pertanyaan dariguru.
2.Guru menjelaskan tentang expressing agreementdan disagreement.
3.Gurumemberi contoh dialog agreement dan disagreement.
Whilst Listening
1.Guru memberikan keyword sebelum menyuruh siswa membagikan students worksheets. Kemudian memintasiswa untuk mengartikan kata-kata tersebut dengan bantuan kamus.
2.Guru memperdengarkan dialog 1 dan meminta siswa untuk mengisidialog yang tidak lengkap (berisi rumpang).
3.Siswa berdiskusi secara aktif membahas jawaban dengan bimbingan guru.
4.Guru meminta siswa secara berpasangan untuk membacakan hasil dari task 1 didepan kelas.
5.Gurumeminta siswa untuk mempelajari pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam task 2.
6.Guru memperdengarkandialog 2 yang lengkap sebanyak 2x.
7.Siswa mendiskusikan teks bersertajawaban dari task 2secara berpasangan.
1.Siswa mendapatkan umpan balik terhadap prosesdan hasil pembelajaran.
1.Menanyakan apakah siswa sudah mengerti tentang expressing agreement dan disagreement.
2.Gurumenyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah dipelajari.
BukuKerja Siswa
alat tulis, gambar
JenisTest : Tes Lisan

Very Good

Kediri, Juni 2013

4.Have you ever seen that picture ?
6.Do you agree with that announcement in yourschool ?
You aregoing to listen a dialogue. But before you do it, study these vocabulary tohelp you understanding what the dialogue about.
2.Arogant =........
4.Choose= ........

Listen the dialogue 1 carefully,and thenfill the blanks below !
Rina and Jenny are in the classroom. They aretalk about their leader class.
Rina:“ Jenny,(1)....... if Toni as our leader class ? ”
Jenny:“(2) ......... He is an (3)...... and naughty student. We must (4)...... the best leader to our (5) ..... ”
Afteryou fill the blank correctly, try to practice it in front of the class.
Listen the dialogue 2 carefully, and thenanswer the question below ! Do with your friends (in pairs) !
2.What are the lesson they talking about ?

You aregoing to listen a dialogue. But before you do it, study these vocabulary tohelp you understanding what the dialogue about.
2.Arogant =........
4.Choose= ........
Task 1
Listen the dialogue 1 carefully,and thenfill the blanks below !
Rina and Jenny are in the classroom. They aretalk about their leader class.
Rina:“ Jenny,(1)........ if Toni as our leader class ? ”
Jenny:“(2) ........... He isan (3) ...... and naughtystudent. We must (4)...... the best leader to our (5)...... ”
Afteryou fill the blank correctly, try to practice it in front of the class.
Listen the dialogue 2 carefully, and thenanswer the question below ! Do with your friends (in pairs) !
2.What are the lesson they talking about ?

A: hey, Look at my new ring, isn’t it cool?
B: I absolutely agree with you, your ring is so cool. Itperfectly matches with your finger. It must be a very expensive ring.
A: hey what do you think about this movie?
A: I don’t think so. This movie is so boring that I sleepwhile watch it. The plot is flat and there is not any suspense in the story. Ilike watching film but this time I disagree with you.
1.Leader = pemimpin / ketua
3.Naughty = nakal
5.The best = yang terbaik
Dialog 1
Rina and Jenny are in the classroom. They aretalk about their leader class.
Rina:“ Jenny,(1) do youagree if Toni as our leader class ? ”
Jenny:“ (2) I don’t think so. He is an (3) arogant and naughty student. We must (4) choose the best leader to our (5) class. ”
Siska: “ HiLeni, do you agree if the advanced our English exam tomorrow?”
Leni: “That’s not true. Our English exam will be held on Friday next week, Siska.”
Siska: “Calmdown sister, I’m just kidding.” (laugh)
2.The English examination

Contoh Rpp K13 Smp