
Contoh Program Kerja Kepala Sekolah

Kepala Pusat Data dan Informasi. Perencanaan program pembangunan kesehatan selanjutnya. Calon Tenaga Kerja Indonesia. Galeri Guru - Contoh Program Kerja Perpustakaan Sekolah - Untuk Bapak/Ibu yang di kesempatan ini sedang membutuhkan suatu program kerja Read More. Semua pihak, khususunya kepala sekolah haru memberi perhatian lebih akan eksistensi perpustakaan di sekolah, dana tidak lagi dianggap sebagai tempat menyimpan buku bekas, barang-barang tidak.


Contoh Program Kerja Kepala Sekolah Smk Teknologi


Contoh Program Kerja Kepala Sekolah Tk

: The purpose of this research was to know the program plan, implementation, and evaluation of teacher performance at State Elementary School Lamklat of Darussalam sub district of Aceh Besar regency. This study used descriptive method by qualitative approach. The techniques of data collection used in this study were observation, interview, and documentation. Bangla typing online. The subjects of the study were the principal, vice principals, teachers, school committee, head of Teacher Working Group, and supervisor. The data were analyzed by reducing, displaying, summing up the conclusion, and verifying data. Frozen na srpskom. The results of the study showed that: 1) the program was compiled by discussing to teachers, supervisor, school committee, and representatives of students' trustees. The programs to improve teacher performance were by involving teachers in student admission program, improving the services in supporting learning activities, using the ICT for school management improvement, monitoring the implementation of school activity programs, compiling the school activity report, and planning the follow up program for the evaluation results of school activities; 2) the program implementation was initially begun with task distribution according to capability and skill by implementing Lesson Plan approach among teachers. The implementation of the program was not fully accordance with schedule listed on school plan document. It can be seen on the frequency of supervision, meeting, meeting schedule, and unpreparedness optimally in implementing curriculum 2013, using ICT for teachers to optimize the learning and implementation of learning evaluation and 3) The evaluation done has not conformed to the schedule and was done naturally without instrument of valid and reliable evaluation. The activity evaluation is used to be done annually on the last month of academic year. The evaluation result was not implemented in the form of documentation of report on the implementation of principal management.